Last Crumb

3.7 58 Reviews

Last Crumb makes hand made, gourmet cookies shipped fresh and delivered nationwide.
Last Crumb Reviews

Last Crumb reviews and discussion


55% of reviewers would recommend to a friend

58 reviews and posts

  • We had such high hopes, and we were severely let down. The cookies arrived as dry as a bone and as hard as a hockey puck. The most expensive cookies we've ever bought, and the most disappointed we've ever been with a box of cookies. We live in LA and these guys are based in Pasadena so there should be no excuse with how stale and unfresh these were. Don't waste your money - and it's a LOT.

  • I hate to say it, but these cookies are an experience unlike any other cookie experience. They are delicious and totally over-the-top, as Last Crumb promises them to be. I also appreciated that the cookies actually appear in real life as they do on their Instagram. They're things of rare beauty, at around $12 a pop. I'm not mad, just disappointed.


    Deffo too much packaging. And as far as messaging, less sexualizing the cookie and more cookie history & fun facts..

    Read Chloe F's full review

    I tried Last Crumb's gourmet cookies and loved them, but they're not for everybody

  • The presentation of this product is really quite wild. It felt more like receiving a hype sneaker drop in the mail than a box of cookies. It'd be a great present for an over the top gift, but probably not an everyday purchase.


    The whole thing felt really silly and outlandish. Over $100 for a box of 12 cookies which in the end were pretty dry tasting.

    Free product
  • The packaging & unboxing experience was unreal. Everything was made to seem super luxe and the cookies themselves were super fun flavors. Every cookie is super extra, be prepared for one cookie to be a whole meal. Cookies were pretty good depending on the flavor!


    Seems to be a lack of attention to detail overall, there were some blurry pictures in the pamphlet, I'm not sure if the fun way they describe their ingredients is legal (and there's no nutritional facts / calorie info anywhere to be found). Also there was a hair baked into the 50 cent cookie. The box is absolutely ginormous to be shipped across the country for just 12 cookies - does not seem sustainable at all.

    Received a free product from Last Crumb
  • I shared a box and the cookie I had was really tasty. The packaging itself reminded me more of a shoe drop and there was a lot of it. There is definitely a wow factor in getting an enormous box of cookies but it's hard to think of a use case for me ordering this myself. Maybe if you had a dinner party or something but not a casual cookie order.

    Free product
  • I had some of the Macadamnia and When Live Gives You Lemons cookies, and they were both good. The Macadamnia cookie had a nice soft, moist texture, and the Lemon cookie had a super strong, non-artificial buttery lemon flavor.


    The branding / marketing material is pretty aggressive, and that extends even to the nutritional info which isn't very detailed or quantitative. At ~$11/cookie they're also pretty expensive. Finally, there was a hair baked into one of the cookies in our box.

    Free product
  • Not for a basic cookie lover. I would recommend doing it at an event or party where everyone can take part. This is a marketing company that happens to have cookies so you have to lean into the hype for the full experience.

  • Multiple cookies came broken, and they tasted very bitter not sweet with a mushy texture. My first time buying these cookies and considering the price I paid they should have come broken. I wouldn’t recommend anyone wasting their money on these. I thought Crumble cookies were terrible but these top the worst. Don’t listen to internet hype


    Broken cookies and terrible flavor

  • This is THE *Best* unboxing experience for any brand I've purchased from. It will truly make you (or the person you bought it for) feel special. Not to mention the cookies are extremely tasty and fun to try out each kind!


    Would be cool to see text-based tracking to see when the order is going to arrive! Maybe some texts thereafter with more details on the product.

  • The best cookies on the planet. I've ordered several boxes and gifted them to friends because they are that good. Everyone loves them. I am a sucker for peanut butter and Last Crumb's has to be the best peanut butter cookie I've ever had. Pro tip - heat up in the oven before enjoying.


    The boxes are a bit large and bulky to keep in a kitchen, but all part of the overall experience.

  • I love cookies esp during the lockdown and working from home, I could order cookies from anywhere in the US. Aside from perusing Gold Belly for the next big gastronomic craving, I read an article about Last Crumb. I mean as most reviews/articles/feedback have already said, it's the Rolex gold standard of cookies. That in itself was enough to illicit #FOMO in my opinion. I quickly learned, like any sneaker or Supreme drop, you have to sign up for it and make sure you go to the ordering site that minute it's live, if not, you wait til the next drop. I missed the first drop which lead me to imagining how GOOD these cookies will be! I managed to finally pay attention and order when the drop hit and waited a day or two for them. Insofar as rcv'ing the box, I mean so over the top (in a good way) along with the unboxing, opening and each cookie wrapped individually along with a four color look book to go along with it. This is where I saw it was more about the brand and made me curious about the cookies itself. Bottom line, meh. I mean I liked them, don't get me wrong. But after dreaming that I had found the best cookies ever with what, their thirst trap insta, I was already sold. Like most reviews said, cookies were dryish even after baking and/or microwaving per their instrux.


    Would I try again? Maybe if they can bake in - see what I did there - 1/2 dozen versus the dozen you are forced to buy. Along with that having more flavors to pick from. I was drawn to the lemon, muffin man, oreo. Everything else seemed too salty. Maybe a bad day at the oven? I dunno? This def falls into the one-time corp gift to a departing employee or even someone like me, a sweets freak. Overall, I did like them despite the snarkiness of too much packaging. I get what they are doing with exclusivity, but you can still have it with more choices.

  • The packaging is bonkers - never seen anything like it. Creativity and quality through the roof. The cookies were divine - a blend of flavors and textures somewhat like a cookie with a feel of cake or a scone. These are a much more sophisticated and smart product while retaining a fun and highly entertaining process. Bar none the most PERFECT memorable gift that says I care enough about you to buy you something awesome like this that you've never received before.


    It can seem a bit costly off the bat but the product proves itself promptly upon arrival.

  • Luxury Cookies as delicious as they look. An experience in a box! Would make a memorable gift.

  • I tried Last Crumb cookies when my boss ordered them for the office. I'll admit it - the cookies are REALLY GOOD and the packaging/branding is insanely cool. They're also absolutely giant. Like... I was unable to finish one in a sitting. I think Last Crumb makes for a really great gift, because everything about the experience of opening to eating the cookies truly feels like a luxury. But I don't think I could foresee myself purchasing them in any other context, because they're just so expensive. TLDR: Great gift option, really great cookies, but admittedly pricey!

  • As someone who works in marketing I am OBSESSED with the brand they have built and demand. Everything about the process was amazing, however the cookies are good but not that good to justify the price. I have no regrets paying for these and getting the experience, but its a one time experience for me.

  • Really enjoyed the different flavors as they are all very different and delicious. My favorite was lemon cookie.


    Box was way too cumbersome and price point was definitely on the higher end for me. Overall, really enjoyed the cookies though!

  • Enjoyed the cookie that I had (malted oreo) and the unboxing was a special moment. Unlike any cookies that I've had before.


    Expensive and seems a little silly. Other than an over-the-top gift, I'm not sure how often I'd go through the hassle (limited drops and expensive shipping).

  • Good flavor on the peanut butter cookie, but it fell apart into a mush by the time I was done.


    The cookie's structural integrity!

  • These cookies are REALLY GOOD, but I have a hard time understanding how anyone could justify this purchase. There are a lot of amazing cookies you can get both in person or packaged for a fraction of the price. Even the most expensive, freshly baked cookie in New York City will never be over $10. That being said I do think these would make a really nice gift for someone else - the packaging and unboxing experience is luxe.