
1.9 8 Reviews

Tend operates dental studios in NYC and DC seeking to make the dental experience patient-friendly and financially transparent.

Tend Reviews

Tend reviews and discussion


29% of reviewers would recommend to a friend

8 reviews and posts

  • They have an unprofessional worker who openly mocked a teenage girl and her experience of abuse. It's uncomfortable to have that kind of person working in healthcare.

  • I use Tend as my dentist and also use their oral hygiene products. Man, this company is so so good. Every aspect of the experience has been considered - and the products are just an extension of this. If you live in a region where Tend has studios, I strongly recommend making the switch. I can't wait to see what this company does with innovative technologies in the future.

  • I’m Seanotte and I have been getting an implant with Tend for the better part of one year and a half year. It just seems as if I have the worst luck or these people are very unprofessional and incompetent. I went this morning Saturday July 27th , 2024 at the Williamsburg location for a 8am appointment. Got there and the front desk person told me that I’ll have to reschedule because the facility suction is not working. I asked why wasn’t I given a call to let me know not to come. The lady looked me in my eyes and told me that I was call the day before. This was a blatant lie. I never received any call, text, e-mail or voice note. I spent $30 each way from crown heights Brooklyn to Williamsburg and back only to be told that I have to reschedule. This is so frustrating and I do believe that customers are not Tend’s priority. I so hurt and frustrated because this is the second time in a few months that this same incident happened leading me to believe that it’s not at all an isolated incident. Tend Dr.’s time are important to them and my time is important to me. If I ever come to an appointment late I’ll be charged much less canceling the same day. Why you people think you have the right to treat you customers like crap and don’t think they should be some accountability. You need to do better. I can’t wait to finish with my procedure and find me a new dentist facility. DO BETTER, DO BETTER VERY ANGRY AND DISAPPOINTED

  • TL; DR - Great for cleaning but not major dental work because it's overpriced and they try to upsell you. Tend is great if you need your teeth cleaned, need a retainer BUT DON'T GO FOR DENTAL WORK. I have been going for about a year and a half, and find that it's efficient because I live in a city with a ton of locations. Making an appointment to get my teeth cleaned is easy through the interface of the booking system. I've recommended it to several friends (you get an amazon gift card for referrals), however a lot of my friends have expressed difficulty understanding if their insurance is accepted. It seems there isn't a lot of clarity on it. My REAL ISSUE is that if you need dental work, this might not be the place to go because I think they upsell you. I cracked a filling and they told me I cracked the tooth next to it as well. The solution was a service that was $5,000 (for both teeth) and insurance only covers 50% the procedure. I called my dentist in my hometown (about 4 hours from the city I live in now) and asked what they would charge and was quoted $1,000 less over the phone and made an appointment. I went in and they told me I DID NOT have two cracked teeth, that I would NOT need the repair plan tend suggested and replaced my filling for $300.

  • Don’t be fooled by their cool design and approach on their advertising! They may seem like one of the best and most advanced dentistry you could go to, but that’s just a facade. Worst billing practices. They tell you they will charge you this amount, and then bills you basically the full price! If you could find another dentist, pls do.

  • I had a cleaning and basic dental appointment about a month ago which went okay. I enjoyed the quality of the facilities and ability to chose what played on the TV during your cleaning before you arrived. I recently returned to get a procedure done and was told my insurance covered everything at my first visit. During the follow-up, the woman at the front desk claimed I had to pay thousands up front since my insurance was not covering the procedure. I was shocked that no one informed me of this change before my appointment. When I raised my concerns to the woman at the front desk she did not provide helpful alternatives and loudly discussed my health information within earshot of other patients and staff in the waiting room. She then canceled my appointment as I wanted to discuss further prior to payment. My schedule is tight and finding time to return to their office is difficult for me, so this cancellation has been incredibly frustrating. I was quite frankly disgusted by the behavior she displayed as well as the lack of transparency with billing and it has given me a negative impression of Tend overall. I don't think I will return until these issues are resolved and will not recommend this company to my family or friends at this time.

  • AVOID. They charge you $100 no show fee for appointments they automatically schedule for you. My friend and I were charged the same fee. My cleaning experience there was unpleasantly long and uncomfortable. Customer service and management is slow, unhelpful and not transparent. Another friend of mine got his wisdom tooth extracted and they left a big chunk of his tooth. Don't be fooled by their exterior and branding and do yourself a favor and find another dental clinic!

  • I scheduled an appointment online and thought it was convenient, the morning of while I was already on the train on my way there, I missed a call and there was no voice message. I called back they told me they were canceling my appointment. I was headed to the city just for this appointment. Such a waste of my time and money! The person on the phone could have at least been empathetic about it. Worst if I was a no show or cancelled at the last minute they would be the first to come after a cancel fee! Maybe it works if you’re already there but not worth scheduling if you’re not already planning to be there. What a way to start the day!