33% of reviewers would recommend to a friend
3.7 • 3 Reviews
Stori sells storage products designed to keep flowers and edibles safe and fresh.
33% of reviewers would recommend to a friend
9mo ago
Overall, I think this is a nice item if you're wanting to upgrade the appearance of your cannabis stash, but for the price, I feel like I could find something that does the job for a lot less & i found some quirks with the closing mechanisms (more below). I used mine for probably about a year but I ended up giving mine to a friend before a big move, as it was a bit clunky and not feeling like an essential item. While quite sophisticated looking, I found the closure mechanisms a bit funky. I often didn't close the containers all the way (not on purpose) and product dried out quickly. I also had some quirks with the locking mechanism of the box - and without locking it, the lid doesn't stay on so I always had to pick it up carefully as not to drop it on the floor. Since im getting nit picky here, I would also change the mechanism for holding the joint containers - I found it hard to get them to sit in perfectly, perhaps a magnetic mechanism would do a better job here, so they just snapped into place. I have a bit more grace for the child-locking features as I presume those are hard to nail and do right. That being said, I do miss not having to hold on to an assortment of randomly sized cannabis contai inners tand packets, and being able to put other things like gummies in the compartments was nice. What I did really enjoy was being able to transport the little containers around, I often brought the joint containers on the go and the bigger ones on weekend trips.
10mo ago
Very cool looking and functional. However, it is not smell proof. Though the containers to put your flower in are made from aluminum, airtight and work well, smell still comes thru. Also, the outside shell is made from plastic. Thinner plastic than I would’ve used - is used for the lid. I do not see the box surviving a drop from higher than about 3 feet if dropped on a hard surface. “Locking mechanism” is cheap once again, but I guess it’s functional no option to actually “lock” your box though. It’s a sliding lock that anyone with decently strong fingers could figure out. Overall, I would not buy this again. Much better options for storage for 1/4-1/2 the price. I ended up buying another box off of another website because this one wasn’t up to par.
This makes for a wonderful gift for anyone getting into cannabis culture. Such beautiful packaging!