88 Acres

4.3 6 Reviews

88 Acres sells a range of seed-based foods and products.

88 Acres Reviews

88 Acres reviews and discussion


80% of reviewers would recommend to a friend

6 reviews and posts

  • I like their granola bars. Every flavor I’ve had has been really tasty. I gave it 4 stars because some of the flavors have high saturated fat.

  • I really love these seed bars. They have a different texture than your standard granola or protein bar, which is actually a good thing. They are dense and satisfying and the seeds really make it feel like a healthy choice. My favorite flavor is the banana bread.

    Influencer for 88 Acres
  • Gianduja for those with allergies. So good and full of selenium with those sunflower seeds.

  • So yummy and nutritious — doesn’t taste fake at all and doesn’t have obnoxious added sugars.

  • Amazing products for those who have every food allergy under the sun!


    Wish they would make more flavors of their protein bars!!