

    Level 3
    Kat HLevel 3 16 Reviews

    2 months ago

    I've seen this coffee in stores a few times, but I could never find an unsweetened version. I finally found some at Aldi a few weeks ago, so I decided to give it a shot. Honestly, I really enjoyed it. It was perfect with just a small amount of sugar-free hazelnut creamer, but it was great plain too. The taste is mellow, strong, but not bitter whatsoever unlike some other brands. It has a very smooth flavor and didn't have a weird aftertaste. I'm definitely a fan and hoping I can find the other varieties in unsweetened.

    Paradise Squared

    Level 3
    Kat HLevel 3 16 Reviews

    4 months ago

    Purchased through a Thingtesting offer

    I received the variety pack of vanilla, chocolate, and peanut butter as a thingdrop offer. First off, the shipping was super slow. It took 3 or 4 weeks after placing my order to receive the box. I didn't receive any communication whatsoever from the company during this time. Honestly, I totally forgot about it until I received the email notifying it had shipped. The flavor is good. They are moist, not overly sweet, and not too heavy. The consistency is very coconut, which obviously it would be, but the coconut taste isn't overpowering to me. If you like coconut, you'll like these. The size of these are decent for a protein bar. Not too big, not too small. The ingredients are high-quality, which I appreciate as a better snack. I don't think they would have a super long shelf-life, however. Even though the taste was good, I can't say I'll buy these again. They weren't so unique to rationalize the price. For a 6-pack, they cost $18 + tax. Sure, there's no shipping cost (at least right now), but the cost is rather high to me. I can get a 12 pack of a similar product with quality ingredients for just a bit more. I was happy to try them, and they may be fantastic and reasonably-priced for some, but I just can't see myself buying these again.

    Chocolate + Coconut Brownie Bar

    Guild of the Arcane

    Level 3
    Kat HLevel 3 16 Reviews

    10 months ago

    This is my favorite brand of soap bars and basically the only soap I use. The soap designs are unique and the scents are fantastic. On top of the soap being paraben-free, it's also vegan and cruelty free. I have scars on my skin that are super sensitive to products, not to mention prone to dryness and irritation. All of the soaps I've bought from here have been great for sensitive areas with no drying or irritation and perfect for daily use. The scents smell fantastic on my skin, and I've received quite a few compliments. For the cost, you receive a nice portion of soap and it lasts a long time if you take care of it (i.e., don't let it sit in water like all bar soaps). The company also has charity soaps where 50% of the proceeds go to various charity organizations. As a small business, this is an amazing gesture.


    Level 3
    Kat HLevel 3 16 Reviews

    a year ago

    Edit to add: I used the other bag of coffee and creamer as part of my daily routine. I didn't notice any difference in my energy whatsoever. I think the idea is interesting, and perhaps it does work for someone, but the products didn't work for me whatsoever. The taste was fine, but it didn't do anything for me health-wise or energy-wise. It's not worth the price, including the discount for a subscription, when it doesn't do anything for me. I'm always super fatigued, regardless of how much sleep I get or coffee I drink. I decided to try Ryze after snagging a discount on Facebook (Still cost me quite a bit though, over $40). To start, the taste is pretty good. It tastes like an earthy coffee. It's a bit grainy, especially at the bottom of the cup, and you have to stir and keep stirring to keep it well-mixed. I bought the set with the creamer to maybe get an added boost. The creamer tastes like creamer. However, the creamer doesn't mix well at all and will clump. Stir, stir, stir. And stir some more. I've finished a bag already. I don't see any difference in mental clarity, energy, or gut health. I have another bag and will continue drinking it daily, but honestly I haven't seen any difference to warrant a very expensive habit and subscription. It was worth a shot, I guess. Maybe others would feel a difference, but I just don't.


    Level 3
    Kat HLevel 3 16 Reviews

    a year ago

    Purchased through a Thingtesting offer

    I was apprehensive when I first received my variety pack socks. I was afraid they would be too thick. Thankfully, they are super comfortable and just right on thickness. They are soft and stretch in all the right places. The ankle socks have a bit of padding in the back at the ankle, which is nice in sneakers. I think these socks are super comfy and I love they are made of recycled materials. Find a sale, however, as they are quite pricey. L


    These are pretty expensive for socks. I'd suggest hitting a sale.


    Level 3
    Kat HLevel 3 16 Reviews

    a year ago

    At first, I loved my Billie razor. I loved everything about it, and even bought a glow-in-the-dark handle because it was cool. However, about 6 months into my subscription something changed drastically. For one, the razor was nicking me extremely often but was almost too dull to shave the hair. They also changed the formula of the shaving bar around the blades. For the first 6 months, I had a very close shave with no irritation whatsoever. Whatever they changed I'm their formula did not make my skin happy at all. Plus, the head became sticky and slimy with barely any water. However, as it dried, it would crack or become rough for the next shave. I switched to Athena Club and made my skin much happier. The plastic waste was also extreme. I don't understand why shaving clubs have to use so much plastic packaging!


    With the new formula, it may irritate your skin. The blades will nick your skin. If they would change their formula and blades back to the original design, they would be so much better.

    Athena Club

    Level 3
    Kat HLevel 3 16 Reviews

    a year ago

    I switched to Athena Club once Billie changed their formula. With Billie, it got to the point where I was getting cut and irritated for no reason. Athena is thankfully not like that. I can get a close shave without completely slashing up my skin, and the lubricating "bars" around the razor really help. I do not recommend skipping the shaving cream, however. I know some of the ads show someone just shaving with water: don't do it. The handle holds up well, and I like the magnetic holder you stick to the wall. The holder is also very well made and hasn't been sliding off the wall. I wish there wasn't so much plastic with the shipments. It's seriously a lot. I understand individually wrapping the razors, but it would be nice if they didn't have the little trays for each.


    Keep the razor dry when not in use. Also, I wish they wouldn't get dull as quickly.

    Pop & Bottle

    Level 3
    Kat HLevel 3 16 Reviews

    a year ago

    I've loved every flavor I've tried. I'm super happy to see canned and bottled coffee drinks and lattes that don't use regular milk, and I'm very happy I tried it. I didn't notice any weird aftertaste, and it didn't make me feel heavy. They are fairly pricey, however, so the treat isn't exactly something I can enjoy often. It's definitely nice for a once in awhile treat after a long day. I found them rich and creamy without making me feel bloated.


    I'd like to see more flavors and availability in more stores.

    Scrub Daddy

    Level 3
    Kat HLevel 3 16 Reviews

    a year ago

    So many people have recommended these sponges, so I decided to give them a try. I tried the small sponges, not the "happy face" sponge. I mean, they're OK, but nothing like I expected. They don't hold soap, like at all, so I feel I have to use so much more. They scour well, but I still have to use a brush sometimes. I have another I haven't tried yet, the eraser, but honestly I'm not expecting it to be super amazing.


    Keep soap better. A better scrub side.

    Hero Cosmetics

    Level 3
    Kat HLevel 3 16 Reviews

    a year ago

    I've tried the Mighty Patch a few times now with good results. It doesn't really work for pimples I haven't opened; it doesn't seem to pull anything out of deeply embedded pimples or pimples that haven't come to a head. However, it definitely pulls the gunk out of pimples and speeds up clearing most of the time. However, I have had some pimples that honestly looked for irritated after putting a patch on them. It at least makes a barrier so no other germs or irritants can get into your pimple.


    I wish they would make a patch that actually pulls out blackheads or cystic acne.