
4 3 Reviews

Yardsale makes customizable ski poles and other ski gear.

Yardsale  Reviews

Yardsale reviews and discussion


67% of reviewers would recommend to a friend

3 reviews and posts

  • I love the brand. Quality grips and straps ensure that you are not setting up too many slopestyle yardsales yourself.

    Cristina A

    So glad you love them, Norman! Thanks for the support!

  • Purchased these for my partner for Christmas. We had some trouble assembling the poles when they first arrived and are excited for the release of the powder baskets. Customer support was incredibly attentive and helpful. They work great and my favorite part is actually the strap design which makes it easier to adjust and get on and off. The magnets work, but I feel like it doesn't make as big of a difference overall. Fairly steep price if you're purchasing primarily for the magnetic feature, but appreciate the lifetime warranty and think that will offset cost concerns if they do get bent!