2.3 3 Reviews

Mumgry makes organic nut butters.
MUMGRY Reviews

MUMGRY reviews and discussion


50% of reviewers would recommend to a friend

3 reviews and posts

  • I recently tried the Pistachio Chocolate Almond Butter, and was amazed with how delicious it was! I had been discouraged by the price, but was able to try it on sale. I'm surprised to say that I might even buy the nut butter again not on sale because it was so good. I liked the texture of the ground pistachios, and enjoyed the subtle chocolate taste. Was the perfect snack with apples and dessert-y snack. This has encouraged me to try other Mumgry nut butters!

  • I wanted really badly to like these because the flavors sound great in theory, but I was disappointed with all of their nut butters. It tastes kinda chalky instead of smooth, which is how I prefer my peanut butter.


    I think the nut butters would be better if they were sweeter and creamier.