
4.5 22 Reviews

Leaflet is plant care evolved.

leaflet Reviews

leaflet reviews and discussion


86% of reviewers would recommend to a friend

Reviews mention

  • Eco-friendly design
  • Comprehensive plant guidance
  • Exceptional customer service
  • Accurate plant technology
  • Subscription requirement
  • Lack of free basic utility
  • Insufficient app detail
  • Limited number of sensors

Leaflet is a highly praised brand with strengths such as its eco-friendly design, comprehensive plant care guidance, impressive customer service, and accurate plant technology. However, customers have also expressed concerns about the subscription requirement, lack of basic utility at zero cost, insufficient detail in the app, and limitation on the number of sensors.

AI summary based on Thingtesting reviews

22 reviews and posts

  • This is the only way for me to keep plants alive now. Forever an advocate!

  • An aesthetic I have long admired is the person who has at least 10 plants in every one of their rooms. It is crowded but snug, and makes the room feel alive. Knowing myself, I felt I could never really be that type of person, as I have little experience with plants or really keeping anything alive (myself excluded). A few years ago, I made a new friend, and she was really into house plants. She encouraged me to get one and I eventually did, a small pilea. It was easy enough to maintain, but I knew I did want to get another plant eventually. Along came my neon pothos, which was easy enough to maintain at first, but my old habits kicked in and I became lazy and forgetful. And unlike my pilea, this one was not so forgiving. It steadily began losing leaves and became super wilted. My poor plant was on its last legs! Along came the Krado leaflet Thingdrop. Now here was a product that fit my needs perfectly! It was a bit expensive for a Thingdrop, but since it promised to help monitor my plants and help prevent them from getting sick, this was a worthwhile investment as I was getting started on my plant journey. A little before my package arrived, I got a letter in the mail from Krado with some postcards and a handwritten note! That was such a kind thing to do, and it made things feel even more special. When I did get the actual package, my old habits kicked in and I neglected to set it up for weeks. When I finally got the motivation to get started, I now had three houseplants. Setup wasn't too difficult, just a bit confusing. There were no instructions on how to get started in the boxes, just a message about the recyclable packaging. The soil probes had also become loose when I opened the first package, which isn't a big deal thankfully. There is a QR code on the insert inside the box, but I must have missed it since I went back to their website to try and figure out what the app was called. Eventually I did find it, but I do hope future iterations of the packaging will have a better welcome letter with more detailed directions. Speaking of directions, upon downloading the app and activating my account, I was at a loss for what to do. From what I recall, there was not really a tutorial, and the app left you on your own to figure out how to add a plant. You can add a plant pretty easily (it can even identify your plant via a picture, which actually worked perfectly for me), but it does not automatically ask you to add a sensor to it. Instead, you activate a sensor in the profile section of the app and the app pairs it. From there you can add the sensor to any plant you want. That process is a bit off to me, and it created a less than ideal start. I had a bit of trouble with pairing my first sensor, but I adjusted my WiFi settings at that did the trick. I give huge props to any smart device that can connect to its app in under 15 seconds. It was super fast, and once I did my first sensor, doing the other two were a breeze! I have now been using leaflet for around a month, and it's definitely keeping me on my toes. It turns out I was watering my plants much less than I should have. I am happy to report that with more frequent watering my pothos is making a comeback- a new leaf even appeared the other day! This was a first as this plant had only ever lost leaves. So it seems this sensor is working its magic, and I am excited to see how well it works after several more months of use. I am currently charging a sensor for the first time, so hopefully reconnecting a sensor is no big issue. The sensors did not come fully charged but they seem to have a great battery life. As for the mobile app, as I mentioned before when I first opened the app, I was confused on what to do. Combining that with an unappealing user interface, it was not the most ideal first few days while I figured out how the app worked. Pretty recently the app got a big UI overhaul, and I love how it looks now. There are so many more explanations for things, and helpful tips for watering and how to raise the temperature of the plant. I would like to see more in-depth tips on watering, such as how much to water for a plant of a certain size. There is also a tab for learning more about plants, which I have yet to dive into but plan to do that eventually. I still think the process of adding a sensor could be improved, but overall, I love the way the product is going. I think this product is actually changing my plant habits for the better. While I do not immediately jump to water my plants as soon as I get the sensor notification, I definitely water them more now, keeping them healthier. Finally, I would like to bring up the price of the product. For the pack that I got, it is normally $200 for the kit and $16/month for a subscription. That is quite the downpayment for six tiny sensors! The website says soil, fertilizer, pesticide, and more included when you purchase a subscription, but as I did not get any of those extras I cannot comment if they help with the overall value. (EDIT: From the amazing customer service I have been informed that products are sent as needed when the devices alert the company that your plants need help. That is really cool actually!) Even so, I do not know if I could justify an almost extra $200 a year for a subscription on my plants. I am not that plant crazy yet! But for what I got with the Thingdrop, I am very happy and cannot wait to keep using my leaflets!

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  • This product is amazing. I’ve had issues with keeping my plants alive and this technology has solved my problem. My plants now talk to me so they let me know how they’re doing and if I need to do anything to help them thrive. This is the only product on the market that I have found to be my total solution. I highly recommend it. You will NOT be disappointed. This photo shows my plant coming back to life thanks to my little white leaflet in there.

  • I can never keep a plant alive and don’t really care to research how to care for plants. But with the Leaflet, I’m able to just rely on the device and look at the app to know what my plant needs and it’s been thriving since I started using Leaflet!

  • My succulent (aka Archie) has never looked this healthy! I got it in June 2022 and was certain it wouldn’t last a year. Since getting leaflet I learned I was under watering it, and sometimes forgetting about my plant for weeks. I’ve appreciated leaflet because the notifications remind me when to water it (so I don’t need to worry about over/under watering), when to charge the device , and let’s me track Archie’s progress by adding posts. I had no idea how much worry I had about accidentally killing Archie until leaflet came into the picture. I would recommend leaflet for anyone who wants to take care of their plants stress-free.

  • This review is for my fellow plant nerds! The leaflet sensor has a PAR meter and spectrometer, soil capacitance moisture meter, humidity, and temperature sensor. When I tell you I have been WAITING for this! I was always jealous of people who could afford PAR meters for their plants…and who knew how to set them up XD. I have a light app on my phone, but the ambient light made the readings off. Water meters and soil sensors I bought were never accurate, but leaflet is specced to be as good as precision agriculture. The leaflet app also lets you sign up to join in on experiments, so if you're a nerd like me, you can have access to the raw data and do plant experiments. This is the coolest thing to happen to plants!!

  • I have loved my leaflet! The one-on-one attention by the staff has been incredible. My plants were already struggling when I started using leaflet. Jesse has messaged me personally multiple times about my individual plants, exceeding the already detailed app feedback, to help try and revive some of my more sad plants. In all the years (10+) i have tried to keep a basil plant alive in my house I have been unsuccessful, until leaflet. Get yourself leaflet today!!

  • Such a deal. I’ve used plant apps that start at $8 and go up to $30—and that’s just for an app. With leaflet everything is included at the same price. Sensors, plant products, and an app.

  • I love the design, eco friendly components and the long term objectives that exceed the small sphere of influence of my own plants. I love that it’s capturing data for future scientific impact.

  • I really am loving leaflet quite a bit and am speaking to friends about it constantly. I’m really enjoying the one on one responses I get from developers as my plants grow. This kind of attention is rarely heard of with plant care apps and devices and it truly makes all the difference. Sometimes it’s a little difficult for me to respond in a timely manner as I get sucked into work and life and so on and forget to charge the sensors but other than that I’m excited to see the new features as they develop. I’m really enjoying being a part of the development. The option to add posts is wonderful and I always look forward to receiving feedback from the team at Krado :) thanks for the awesome product and assistance with my plants!

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  • Amazing idea and even better customer service! I have been guided on when to water and where to move plants to. I haven’t received any shipped products which was part of the subscription, but hopefully will in the future! Also wish I had access to some of the sensors for my own experiments!

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  • I purchased this through a Thingdrop, and it hasn't been helpful at all with my plants. The customer service has been great though, which is why my review isn't just one star. From the website, I expected the membership to include them shipping or at least recommending supplies such as pesticides/fungicides, soil, and fertilizer. These are not provided or suggested. The readings in the app offer very little detail - even less than an analog humidity level. I understand that they give you analyses, but you should also assume that the average user who would be interested in your product would either understand or at least want more detail out of the supposed readings. For those who do not understand, it is a nice feature to include so that it proves to the user that it actually is reading things beyond water. (So far the only instructions that I've received from the app is when to water or to upload posts on my plants. I have uploaded posts where I complain about issues with bugs or possible fungal infections.) I really would not recommend this product as it is now. Great idea and thoughtful eco-friendly packaging, but is pretty useless and for such a steep price as well. I even regret purchasing this at the Thingdrop price.

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  • I move around a lot and these have allowed me to feel like a successful plant mom. This takes the guesswork out of my plant care and I really love it. There is an app and subscription involved, but honestly, you get a horticulturist at your fingertips! It will make even those born with a non-green thumb feel very successful in growing their own paradise. I also think they look really cool in the soil.

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  • I purchased this as a Christmas present for my mom, and she absolutely adores it. She had a plant that was nearly dead, but once she started using her leaflet, she was able to revive the baby from the feedback she was getting. She sends me updates daily on how her plants are doing, and she's always so impressed when the readings come through. She also loves watching the leaflet do a reading as she said she'll catch a quick glimpse of one running, and it always brightens her day. I've been terrible at responding to the brand between the holidays and a move, but they've checked in not only once via snail mail but twice as they sent a very sweet message asking for a call for feedback. You can tell this product is something they're proud of and want to get just right. I'm beyond impressed and would suggest this to anyone, from plant lovers to those just wanting to make sure they don't kill another expensive plant.

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  • The customer service is amazing. They answer every question I have. I have a couple plants that are harder to take care of and love that the app notifies me when to water or feed. Great for helping keep plants healthy.

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  • Nice packaging and concept, app seems well-made. It is a dongle (the teardrop-shaped thing) that attaches to a sensor that is pushed down into the soil. Renewable materials used for packaging which are nice but also expected, but the lack of details in the app are disappointing. All I seem to get through the app are the WiFi signal strength, the Charge Percentage, and how long ago the "Last Reading" was. Based on the app notifications I've received, the sensor seems to measure moisture, temperature, and maybe light - but not providing these readings in the app are a MAJOR oversight. Is it an intentional attempt to hide these details in order to keep customers in a subscription? Is it a programming issue or a hardware issue? Basically, the set up now is No Notifications is good news apparently - that is the extent of the utility of these sensors for now.

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  • Leaflet was so easy to set up and use! It's definitely made for everyone from plant beginners to plant lovers. There are other sensors on the market, but none that offer as much description as Leaflet does.

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  • Hey y’all, I’m new to plants and this is the only thing that has kept my plants alive. I like how the app is simple and I don’t have to sort through information or guess diagnose anything. It simplifies everything! Just tells me when to water, when my plant needs more light or if they’re too cold, and the customer service is great—they message me personally about problems with my plants. Highly recommend this product!!!

  • As a career scientist, I gravitate towards products that have a science background- not always possible. Also, as a Texan, the weather is to say the least, unforgiving in the summer..a death sentence for my plants on the porch. This is due not to just the heat, but to the fact that I have zero clue how to not over water---I'm probably drowning the plants. Krado (who makes Leaflet) actually cares about the science, and applies the science in the product. They aren't upselling me with little games like "if you got this , then". They message me personally when they see my plants data especially when it trends downward. And yes, out on the porch that will occur. They provide troubleshoot (perhaps less water, less indirect sun etc). I love the design of the sensors as it fits my other sensors inside- it doesn't look like a little toy or an scent stick. I have another colleague who enjoys using the sensors as well. Lastly, if I need plant food- they deliver which is nice given a country location.

  • i didn't want a subscription, i wanted a device. I don't believe at all that anything to help simplify plant care requires an ongoing subscription, unless it completely guarantees the plant will thrive. At minimum there should be a zero dollar basic utility provided, and there is not.