3 • 4 Reviews

FAVES makes candy from upcycled fruits and vegetables, delivering a full serving of nutrients in every pack.

FAVES Reviews

FAVES reviews and discussion


50% of reviewers would recommend to a friend

4 reviews and posts

  • I grabbed a pack of these as a snack and I enjoyed them! They reminded me a bit of Starbursts but less chewy. I enjoyed the grape flavor and it felt healthy to me. I'm not sure this is something I would keep around the house, but I would grab them if I was on the go or in a grocery store. I like that they are upcycled too.


    I wish they didn't have to be individually packaged.

  • FAVES are healthy and look like a better-for-you Starburst. The "veggie" part is I think what fazes me a bit. Wish they tasted a bit sweeter and fruitier! But for candy lovers looking for a healthy alternative, these are probably a nice option.


    Not as fruit-forward tasting as I would've liked.

  • While I love the concept I did not love the flavor. My initial impression was that they were terrible, however they did grow on me a bit. That being said I won't be ordering them again.