Elodie's Naturals

5 2 Reviews

Elodie's Naturals makes a collection of natural skincare products.

Elodie's Naturals Reviews

Elodie's Naturals reviews and discussion


100% of reviewers would recommend to a friend

2 reviews and posts

  • I have been buying Elodie's Naturals day cream for 2 years and I love it because of the texture, the inner cream formula, the fabulous smell AND it is a sustainable formula with solely clean ingredients. I am French and proud to be when it comes to food or cosmetics...E's N is a French brand following the EU certification for organic skincare of the highest quality ingredients and standards. ON TOP of all THAT It is a local and woman owned business, environmentally conscious and striving to do the best possible work. For me it aces all the criteria and my skin says thank you every day!!!

  • Cleansing balm: I’ve been trying a few oil cleaners and balm cleansers lately and this is by far my favorite. It cleans without drying. It melts makeup but doesn’t strip my skin. And the fresh scent is light and lovely.

    Belle F works for Elodie's Naturals