Dr. Barbara Sturm

3.6 5 Reviews

Dr. Barbara Sturm creates non-surgical anti-aging skin treatments.

Dr. Barbara Sturm Reviews

Dr. Barbara Sturm reviews and discussion


60% of reviewers would recommend to a friend

5 reviews and posts

  • This is a very luxury skincare brand, and I've been lucky enough to try many of their products... however, I just feel like it's not worth it. The products FEEL incredible & luxurious and definitely have some unique ingredients, but most products don't even have studied actives just plant ingredients & does make my complexion look good, but I just can't justify the price tag without some clinical/scientific results or studies for proof

  • I have a dry brush from her brand it works really well! I like the cloth handle makes it easy to hold.

  • This product reduced the appearance of dark circles under my eyes, and I saw a brighter appearance around my eye area. I am really new to this serum, and I must say that I am really impressed. I press in two drops in the morning and night. I also own the eye cream from this brand and love that as well. Very hydrating and my eyes seem to look wider awake since using this serum. Love Sturm brand.

    Received a free product from Dr. Barbara Sturm
  • The hype got me and I got 6 of their best sellers. They didn’t do any harm to my sensitive skin but didn‘t do anything beneficial apart from hydration either. The packaging is luxe but the ingredients aren’t organic. I found a blog that states the line is white label Babor, which is a German skincare brand. And once I compared both it was hard to unsee it. Just get the Babor for way less. I would not spend that much again.

  • I’m a big fan of the face cream for keeping my skin hydrated and nourished. I also feel confident in its anti-aging properties because of the purslane inside. I loved the texture and it was well-suited for my normal/dry skin. That said, I do feel that I can get other creams with similar effects at better value for money.

    Former distributor