
4.7 7 Reviews

Zuzu makes sparkling cocktails from 100% agave spirit and fresh citrus juice.

Zuzu Reviews

Zuzu reviews and discussion


100% of reviewers would recommend to a friend

7 reviews and posts

  • Zuzu's box packaging is really smart, well designed, and doesn't use a lot of paper. The bottles themselves are very beautiful and a good size. I have now tried a few of the tequila seltzers and I found the flavor great and better than the other ones I've tried. The lime is really limey and doesn't smack you in the face with agave. It also tastes fresh and not chemical like some other brands. I like to carbonation level as well, not too overwhelmingly fizzy. These are great to have on hand to host people.


    It was challenging to find them in stores! Probably a good sign for the business but definitely more distribution would be appreciated.

  • The hardest thing about trying Zuzu was simply getting my hands on a bottle! They're always sold out at my nearest liquor store in Williamsburg. Venturing into Greenpoint, however, I got my hands on a couple of boxes. And after chilling them in the fridge, I was pleasantly surprised by Zuzu's flavor. The lime, my favorite, felt fresh and lively like a drink that was just made for you, not one out of a bottle or can. The passionfruit was also enjoyable and fresh tasting. Neither drink felt spirit-forward, and at its ABV, is more of a chill drink than a cocktail. For what they do, they do it well.

  • This is a great, very smooth bev. IG had the hit of a cocktail right as you sip it, but it super smooths out… and As a non cocktail person, I love this! Reccomend!

  • The branding is a 5/5 and the taste is a 3.5/5. Fresh and easy to drink.

  • oh i love these! although i love both flavors, the calamansi one reminds me of the juice i used to drink growing up in the Philippines. i also like how they aren't too sweet to start with so you can mix and modify as you please. the bottles came in super cute recyclable cardboard packaging too!


    i really wish these were ready available for purchase at more places! :(

    Received a free product from Zuzu
  • I loved this beverage! I prefer the Calamansi Lime flavor but both options are great! This beverage is so smooth for an agave spirit, I was halfway through my second one when a friend mentioned it was alcoholic. This is a great choice for something fresh, light and super flavorful instead of the generic cocktail beer or wine option.


    Would love to know where it can be purchased in NYC!