
5 • 3 Reviews

Ugmonk makes quality designs and clothing with a minimalisat aesthetic.
Ugmonk Reviews

Ugmonk reviews and discussion


100% of reviewers would recommend to a friend

3 reviews and posts

  • Absolutely love all my Ugmonk products. Well-made and useful. Supporting small businesses like Ugmonk is a must.

  • I have Analog, Ugmonk's productivity system. I'm a huge fan of writing things physically even though most of my life is spent in the digital world. Their products simply look great, feel like quality and are clearly well thought-out and designed. The system makes a lot of sense. I don't use it daily (as in a new card each day) rather I build my tasks on a card and run it out as long as it takes to chop 'em down. Usually a week or two. So the 3-months of cards it came with will probably last me a few years which is nice. Anyways, I love supporting a small family business and I love it even more when their products are so good.

  • Everything about Ugmonk makes me feel incredible. As someone with OCD tendencies the sleek organised nature of everything they create makes me feel so good. I first tried the free card deck they offer and it has become an every day staple. I love using the system and jotting down my bullets the evening before the next day. Takes the guess work and motivation out of the next day and by focusing on executing I have more time to do things like prioritise exercise or reading instead of scrolling. The cards are beautiful, the packaging is sleek and I look forward to purchasing the wooden holders for my new desk.