The Crafter's Box

3 2 Reviews

The Crafter's Box offers a range of craft kits, tips, and tutorials for all skill levels.
The Crafter's Box Reviews

The Crafter's Box reviews and discussion


50% of reviewers would recommend to a friend

2 reviews and posts

  • Frustrating and disappointing. I started purchasing the boxes as I was happy to explore a variety of crafts but the service and communication has been steadily deteriorating. The premise is that a new craft will be posted on the 1st day of the month and, if selected, sent out at the end of the month. I am still waiting for the orders from august and October and the new craft has not been listed yet. It is quite pricey and I had high expectations but am concerned that the organization is undergoing some difficulties and is unable to go our their commitments

  • What a fun subscription service for people 12 and up. For a pretty reasonable price of $40 a month, The Crafter's Box will send a box of creative craft tools and supplies to your house. There are so many fun projects to either excite kids who already love crafting or to get kids who've never done crafting before into trying some unique new things. There's paper making, print making, leather crafts, clay (my favorite), and sewing/textiles. The Botanical Plaster Casting Workshop is a great way to mix art and nature for kids.