L'AVANT Collective

5 • 2 Reviews

L'Avant Collective makes a range of plant-based, multipurpose cleaning products.

L'AVANT Collective Reviews

L'AVANT Collective reviews and discussion


100% of reviewers would recommend to a friend

2 reviews and posts

  • I absolutely love this brand. It really makes using cleaning products fun, and the scent smells like fresh laundry day! Definitley worth it!

  • Love L'Avant's products. I've been using their dish and hand soap for a while now, but my hand's down favorite is the multi purpose cleaning spray. Its super effective on all our surfaces and I love how it smells! My kids do a lot of our cleaning and I hate walking into a bathroom smelling the toxic fumes of grocery brands - what are we doing to their lungs? When they clean with L'Avant, that worry is gone. And, the mirror is clean! Its a bit more expensive than other brands, but we end up using less of it. I buy the refills and keep them on hand.