
4.5 6 Reviews

Free2b makes a collection of allergy-friendly chocolate bars.

Free2b Reviews

Free2b reviews


100% of reviewers would recommend to a friend

6 reviews and posts

  • I am too much of the big brand to give this one a fair shot. It was not my favorite but I can see how people would like it.

  • These were okay. They were not bad and liked them enough. I prefer unreal brand though. The taste isn’t as flavorful and texture was great

    Received a free product from Free2b
  • The mint cups made my dream of a vegan equivalent of York Peppermint Patties come true, at long last. Wish they were available in more stores near me, but I love the new bag of minis. The sea salt caramel variety is bonkers good, too.

  • The best tasting

  • I really like this brand's chocolates because it means I can eat chocolate cups without having to worry about bad ingredients or my stomach getting upset. The sunflower butter in this is what's so delicious. The price for this can be a little high, but it's nice to get as a reward for myself.