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    Fran V 2 Reviews

    7 months ago

    alright so i have both the Always Pan & Always Pot. i bought them because i love the functionality and beauty of it BUT as everyone else has noted, both appliances stain VERY easily. almost ruins the whole purpose of it's aesthetic. i've tried multiple ways to clean it but the stains don't come off. the material of the Always Pan is also gimmicky, and doesn't feel durable to me at all... i will say, the non-stick is not as bad for me as others have noted. a non-stick coated pan never lasts forever (like literally with anything) so i guess that should be noted that such a high price point $ doesn't mean it'll last a lifetime. my non-stick coating is wearing, but with a little extra oil all is fine. on the other hand, my Always Pot is a dream come true when it comes to it's size & versatility. it's rather LARGE which makes it perfect for baking bread - i use it in place of a dutch oven. it also works for stews & roasting on the rack. i don't particularly love that it's non-stick because it doesn't allow things to crisp up like a dutch oven would, BUUUT for baking bread i've never had a problem with it sticking the bottom (and i don't use parchment paper) so it's actually quite nice.


    Fran V 2 Reviews

    7 months ago

    i love adding it to a blender to make a quick smoothie. convenient, but a little bit on the pricey side because of that. the acai bites are like a bomb in your mouth. great taste.