Nala Care

4.9 26 Reviews

Nala Care sells a line of body care products featuring a natural deodorant.
Nala Care Reviews

Nala Care reviews and discussion


96% of reviewers would recommend to a friend

26 reviews and posts

  • Not only are Nala products totally environmentally respectable but they also had the most beautiful hand sanitizer I have ever used. We feel healthier using Nala products and her packaging is beautiful as well.


    I like to add a drop of water when applying the deodorant because then it goes in even more easily. I love Nala products and would recommend them to anyone. I give them as gifts.

  • I have been a fan of Nala Care products from the beginning, because of the integrity of their vision and ingredients. I started with their deodorants (I choose my scent depending on my mood) and always have some on hand to give as gifts. Their hand sanitizer has proven to be my favourite, for ingredient quality, texture and scent (I always have some “on hand” (get it?) and have given many as gifts). And now, as a recent survivor of breast cancer, their breast oil, so handsomely packaged, is part of my therapeutic daily breast care routine.


    I run water over the deodorant to thin coverage and avoid clothing stain.

  • I’ve been using Nala’s deoderants for years! Keeps my pits dry, doesn’t leave marks or damage my clothes, travels well and smells so good that I rarely wear perfume. Very stoked on their breast oil now. It smells amazing and checking my breasts has become a regular ritual of self care that I enjoy and appreciate.


    A travel friendly (aka smaller) version of the breast oil would be great!

  • This deodorant was the best I tested while pregnant and trust me I tried everything. The charcoal mint one smells amazing and you stay fresh all day. Didn’t irritate my skin either like the Crystal salt rock one did.



  • Love the scents and how high quality the deodorants are! One of the only natural deodorants that actually works :)


    Wish they had more options for sensitive skins, some of my favorite scents only come in extra strength.

    Friends with Nala Care
  • Beautiful product, works really well and smells amazing.