2 years ago
I have been dealing with a gnawing bloated feeling in my gut for months now (like 6) and haven’t found what was causing it. I had a colonoscopy and all was well and waiting to get an endoscopy. In the meantime I have been trying every product under the sun. Some of them seemed to make a difference but not a lasting one. I kept seeing ads for unbloat and thought what the heck one more thing to try. I never never right reviews but I am hoping this actually catches someone’s eye and they read it. I started unbloat a week ago and for the first time in MONTHS I have relief and feel normal again. Gnawing is gone, belching seems decreased, and BM’s seem more regular and complete. I have nothing to gain from this review and truly hope someone reads this and tries this out. It really has made a big difference and I am grateful for finding it!