August 29th, 2024:
Brands spotted
Hello Thingtesters! It’s been a while since I wrote to you — for some time I was Thingtesting’s roving freelance editor, based in the UK and covering brands from around the world. Last year, I took a break to hike the length of America’s east coast (and yes, I made a list of the food and gear brands I took with me). Now I’m back and I’m helping out the team at Thingtesting for the next few weeks, writing our Thursday newsletter and a few new stories for the website.
So what new things have I found for you? This past week saw the launch of two new haircare brands targeting concerns that typically come about as people age — namely, thinning and greying. Great Many is an NY-based clinic that has just launched a line of products targeting the former, while Silverist is targeting the latter and wants to help people to embrace their tresses as they turn silver. We also have Sneex, a new shoe brand from the founder of Spanx that has raised eyebrows (instead of high heels that are as comfy as sneakers, how about just... wearing sneakers?), hot sauce brand Shuug which uses zhoug, a herby, spicy sauce from the Middle East, as its star ingredient, and, a brand that sells in-season fruits online for next-day delivery.
If you have spotted any brands recently, please let us know!