Drive sales with unlimited campaigns

Run as many campaigns to test new products or offers as you want.

Get started today in just 5 minutes for just

Omnichannel shopper marketing without limits

Develop as many custom branded shopper marketing landing pages as you need. No tech required! Create unique offers for each of your sales channels. Simply upload product images, complete a few details and launch! We manage everything else for you.

Joydays are on Thingtesting

I would recommend Thingtesting for three reasons: It is a very efficient use of spend, it is a great brand awareness play, and it can increase velocities not just at stores, but also in driving trials. The conversion rate is exceptionally high, because Thingtesting has built a community that is willing to try.

Amy CohnJoydays

How it works

In as little as 5 minutes, you can launch your own campaign.


Create and launch a campaign

Claim or create your brand page, enter details of your product and offer (free, BOGO, or discount) and where people can buy. Ready, Set, Go!


Relax. We take care of everything.

We analyze receipts uploaded by customers, verify reviews, validate purchases and process reimbursements. We also remind users to claim your offer!


Crush your goals with smarter insights

Access reviews, survey responses, and custom insights on channels, NPS, LTV, and more. Make faster, smarter decisions to help grow your brand. See it all in real-time in your dashboard.

Current brand campaigns

Grow your brand with Thingtesting