a year ago
i can't imagine my summer skincare routine without this product! it's a game-changer for keeping my skin cool and refreshed during the hot months. and this aloe vera gel is the most well known product of aromatica! when the temperature rises, i generously apply a thick layer of this gel all over my face. then i cover it with damp cotton pads soaked in water or my fav toner to ensure max. hydration. this simple trick prevents the gel from drying up too quickly and allows my skin to absorb it all. i leave it on for about 20-30 min. once i remove the cotton pads, my skin instantly feels relieved and cooled down. this summer ritual has become my secret weapon for bringing down the temp. on my face. did you know that even a 1-degree increase in facial temp. can trigger a 10% surge in sebum gland activity??? that can lead to stretched pores and breakouts. that's why it's crucial to keep our faces cool during scorching weather. i also use this gel for sunburn relief. i use the same technique using the damp cotton pads and it provides much-needed relief from sun exposure. i tried other aloe vera gels from the drugstore, and this one contains the least amount of unnecessary additives and feels better on the skin! i just wish they came out with a bigger bottle.