

    Pauly M 1 Review

    2 years ago

    Hello, first of all I am a true patient that sought help via Done online because of living in a rural area not supported easily by doctors familiar with ADHD. I was diagnosed with ADHD, depression, and anxiety disorder many year ago from the Veterans administration. I am a multiple war veteran of 12 years service. The VA offers only Adderall to treat ADHD. I wanted to explore other options which aren't offered by that organization. So I pursued or as I call them donefirst.con because I paid them $180 for a consultation I didn't need to find out I have a disorder I have been diagnosed with for many years. I was partnered with a Nigerian who supposedly happened to have gone to the same school as me and was from my town in Nebraska.... Then after they "diagnosed" me they failed to submit a prescription for the suggested medication. Which btw was an insanely low dose of meds compared to what the VA has had me on for many years. I am still yet to receive any prescription whatsoever for any medication. I quite the VA's treatment plan to receive better treatment at a significant cost and I have been completely failed by this scam company. I doubt that the person I had a video call with is a legitimate doctor. It's been several weeks and my pharmacy says they have received nothing from this make believe company and "doctor" Please DO NOT USR THIS WEBSITE they will scam you and never deliver any prescription. Helpful Veteran.


    Simply provide legitimate physicians that can or will write actually prescriptions