
    Mojo Microdose

    Blaine P 2 Reviews

    2 years ago

    I was initially skeptical of these. My first week (5 days) trying them, I had weird dreams and didn't sleep well, but after taking a couple weeks off I tried again with the micro and I'm in love. I have ADHD but don't take meds, and these have a similar experience to taking Concerta: a gentle nudge on the back of my brain that lowers the energy of activation for tasks that I'm resistant to and makes it easier for me to get started and keep going on things. It's made a very gentle but noticeable change on my workday when I take one around 11am, and definitely counteracts the afternoon slump. I take the regular size (not the macros).


    For users: Start with the regular size and see if it works for you. If the first week is weird, take some time off and try again! For the company: I appreciate the streamlined packaging, but I'd really like to see a more environment-neutral packaging approach. There's already too much plastic in the world.


    Blaine P 2 Reviews

    2 years ago

    I used to have a skincare routine with at least 8 steps and I spent TONS of time obsessing over product drops and skimming forums, trying to figure out what nutrients and components were missing from my routine. Proven gave me that time back. It reduced my anxiety significantly by taking the guesswork out of "what does my skin need?" The system is simple to use, covers the basics, and allows for a lot of customizability (thicker/thinner products, varying the use of actives, more/less SPF, etc.). Most importantly, my skin absolutely loves it, and I have never felt less worry about whether I'm buying the "right" products. I'm just letting Proven handle it. It's great.


    I'm not in love with the packaging - both in its appearance and that it relies on local recycling for disposal. I'd love to see Proven close the circle on its packaging with a takeback/refill system or something similar. I'd definitely invest in nice-looking permanent dispensers if Proven would ship lower-waste refill packs.