
    Mojo Microdose

    Rose B 1 Review

    5 months ago

    I used to drink coffee and energy drinks until I tried mojo. Mojo gives me the energy and focus that I need, without negative side effects. It really delivers though(unlike energy drinks). I see that other people are mentioning the taste. I personally love it! It has a good balance of sweetness with the strawberry and a burst of tang. The tang makes me want to go back for more. Even if they were to change the flavor tomorrow to something I don’t like, I’d still chew a couple of their gummies versus touching another energy drink again. Mojo is healthier and gives me the focus I need to get through the day without filling me up on sugar, making me run to the restroom throughout the day(I’m a girl with a little bladder!), or crashing at the end of the day.