
    Alice Mushrooms

    Jessie JLevel 3 22 Reviews

    a month ago

    I ordered brainstorm and nightcap and sadly I had a pretty bad experience. The chocolate tasted chalky and then I looked at the ingredients to see that it's semi-sweet dark chocolate, which is like... baking chocolate? I took one square of the focus one and my heart started to race. I felt pretty crazy and really light headed. It was so unenjoyable I didn't even finish the pack. The sleep one also tasted chalky and dry and didn't work. I feel really disappointed because the reviews on the website look amazing but it feels like all the actual honest takes here are bad. I like the premise behind the brand, but the products really don't live up to the hype. Plus it's way too expensive for cheap chocolate. Won't be buying again. I tried another brand called NOON and they are waaayyy better and work so so well.


    Jessie JLevel 3 22 Reviews

    6 months ago

    I tried the Energy chocolates -- they worked! The taste is a bit bitter but taking two daily isn't a huge issue. I would say for the price they are spot on and I like that they have a sort of M&M crunch to them. Would definitely be open to trying others.


    Jessie JLevel 3 22 Reviews

    6 months ago

    Friends with Cabi

    I received a Cabi set from a friend and I LOVE the sauces, especially the miso one. They're very tasty and well balanced, and work well with every meal I've incorporated them in. Great gift for any cook :) Only sad that the bottles are small, so it goes fast.


    Jessie JLevel 3 22 Reviews

    6 months ago

    I tried the Olly Sleep gummies and they mellowed me out enough to sort of doze off on an overnight flight. I probably needed double the number of gummies (6-8?) to actually fall asleep though. I've had some bad experiences with Melatonin, but the low dose in these was fine and I didn't wake up too groggy. I don't really enjoy their taste or texture for most of their gummies, but these were better than most.

    Emotional Utility Beverage

    Jessie JLevel 3 22 Reviews

    6 months ago

    Received a free product from Emotional Utility Beverage

    Firstly, the taste is great. I had the berry mint combo, which was surprisingly refreshing. For a functional beverage you can't complain! I felt hydrated, which was nice, but the actual "eurphoric" effects were questionable. Wouldn't be opposed to trying it again to see if it works.

    Boy Smells

    Jessie JLevel 3 22 Reviews

    10 months ago

    The copal set is a winner. They captured the fragrance so well and the brand is simple and elegant. They are one of the few brands that have managed to have great scents without overdoing it and the candles last.

    Minor Figures

    Jessie JLevel 3 22 Reviews

    10 months ago

    Absolutely love Minor Figures. Incredible taste, great branding and all-round solid products. Can't wait to see what they come up with next. Could be a tiny bit cheaper, but taste delivers.


    Jessie JLevel 3 22 Reviews

    10 months ago

    I had been recommended Vacation soo many times I thought I'd give it a try. I used the mineral sunscreen for my last vacation and was disappointed by the wear and lack of water repellent nature. I got sunburnt too easily and ended up using most of the bottle within a week because I had to re-apply so often. I like that its under 100ml so you can travel with it (smart) and the formula does rub in well without white-casting or being pasty. But for the price point and actual performance... you're just buying a brand.


    Jessie JLevel 3 22 Reviews

    10 months ago

    Been an early adopter of Glossier and have tried a good range of their skincare and make up products. The serums did nothing for my skin...really surprised here. Zero effect! The balm dot com and cheek color work well but everything else felt a bit cheap and did not last long. For the price point, I think you're really paying for brand than you are product.

    Liquid Death

    Jessie JLevel 3 22 Reviews

    10 months ago

    I think I get it? I love their brand and the whole ecosystem- super smart and fun. I'm a bigger fan of their ice teas than the actual water (sorry!) and I like the idea of having it in a more recyclable format.