Salt and Straw
a year ago
I can tell from the other reviews this is not going to be a popular opinion because yes as far as comparing this place to all ice creams it’s probably more of a 4 star but since salt and straw is a premium, “real ingredients” alternative that likes to claim unique flavours, I’m going to compare it to the others of its ilk. I think this place is so overrated. First, I don’t know why, but it is always slow. It’s ice cream, I shouldn’t have to wait 25 minutes for a scoop. Is the tactic to build a line cause other ice cream places are just as packed and they move you through with speed. Second the flavours kind of suck… don’t be different if you can’t crack it. Olive oil ice cream done well is a true great. The one at salt and straw is more like salty vanilla. Everything is overly intense and just doesn’t hit. Third, I spotted palm oil in some of the flavours. No excuse. The least sustainable and most unnecessary ingredient. Fourth, it’s filled with “gums”. Good ice cream that use creamy milk from happy cows don’t need thickeners. Try jeni’s for example. Even hagendaaz a huge renowned brand isn’t packing their product with cheap thickeners anymore. It leaves a weird coating on your mouth. I live two blocks from one and after my fourth attempt at really trying to like this place, I won’t be wasting my time in line here anymore.