
    Climpson & Sons

    Darryl P 4 Reviews

    9 months ago

    Works for Climpson & Sons


    Darryl P 4 Reviews

    2 years ago

    Amazing experience. I bought a pack of five, and it's easy to bring with me on trips. The sheet packaging is so cool and it fits perfectly in my wallet like a condom. The water-based CBD lubricant is sleek and easy to apply. I'm impressed with the effect and the product quality. Highly recommend.


    Darryl P 4 Reviews

    2 years ago

    I’ve had this for about a year plus. It’s been a great grinder. A little messy from time to time with static retention. But from a grinds point of view. The grind sizes you can get are good for just pour overs and above. Don’t expect to make any espressos with this grinder. The build quality is top notch and it small footprint makes it very convenient for any space. It’s REALLY quiet like it’s amazing how quiet this grinder is. This is definitely a luxury grinder. Just FYI


    Burrs that go finer, stepless grind adjustments , less static retention